Fitness Facts: 5 Reasons Why The Scale Is Not Moving

This blog post is about why you are not losing weight – with the truth. It’s important for people to know this information so that they can make more informed decisions on their fitness and get on a path to better health and weight loss. If you’ve been eating clean and working out regularly but still the scale won’t budge then it’s time you dive deeper to find out the root issue.

We are going to talk about some of the most common reasons why you are not losing fat:

Metabolism and Fitness

woman running

Your metabolism plays a huge role in your body’s composition. Metabolism is important because if your body’s metabolic rate slows down then you will not be able to lose weight no matter what you do with the diet and exercise plan. And this can happen at any age due to lack of physical activity or aging. Consult a professional and get yourself a proper plan to remove the guesswork from the process

Lack Of Sleep

man yawning

Sleep is the key to recovery, if your body is not getting the amount of sleep it needs then this could be a factor in why you are unable to lose fat as well because metabolism slows down when we do not get enough sleep and our bodies function sub-par due to lack of rest. Safe to say, missing out on sleep will play a huge role in your weight loss.


man w hormonal issues

Hormones can be a huge hindrance to your weight loss and fitness journey especially for women who face tons of issues. Getting professional help and revamping your lifestyle habits will help you manage these issues and see progress in your fitness journey. Give your body some love and patience, with time it will reward your efforts.


stressed man

Stress is a major factor in weight gain and there are many ways to combat it. Meditation has been shown to reduce cortisol levels which can help with fat storage. Plus if you eat less during times of high stress then this will also decrease your calorie intake as well. So, take a breather, unwind every now and then, spend time with your family or pursue your hobby, not only will you feel better but it will also help you physically

Shortcuts in Fitness


If you are looking for shortcuts in your fitness journey then you most likely are derailing your progress. Investing in fat-burners or crash diets will only cause more damage to your health and will lead to more stress over time. Keep your fundamentals clear and focus on consistency as it takes a lot of time for your body to show a visible result.