Vegan Omega 3 : Everything You Need To Know

If you are vegan or vegetarian, your diet can be deficient in Omega 3 and 5. These nutrients are found in seafood and dairy products. Vegetarians have to find other ways to get their Omega 3’s and 5’s. One option that is becoming more popular is Vegan Omega 3 capsules (fish-free) which contain plant sources of omega-3 fatty acids such as flaxseed oil, algae oil, hemp seed oil, walnut oil, and soybean oil. These supplements are a great way for vegans to meet their requirement for essential fatty acids like DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid), and ALA (alpha-linolenic acid)

Benefits Of Consuming Vegan Omega 3:

Better Brain Function

What is one thing that you can do to increase your brain function? The answer may surprise you. You should be increasing the amount of these nutrients in your diet: EPA, DHA, and ALA. These are all present in vegan omega-3s. Consume healthy foods like nuts, seeds and if you can’t meet your body’s requirements then invest in a vegan omega 3 supplement.

Preventing Inflammation And Heart Disease

It helps to reduce inflammation in the body and is essential for a healthy brain. It protects the body against diseases, helps to prevent blood clots, and promotes cell growth in your body. These fatty acids are also necessary to strengthen the immune system. If you have inflammation, or just want to prevent it Omega-3 can help control this condition.

Boosting Mood

Omega 3 helps in boosting cognitive function. It has been proven that those who consume Omega 3 have a better working memory, which can help them on a daily basis. Vegan Omega 3 consists of high amounts of ALA which is one of the most important fatty acids in your body for mood regulation and well-being.

Reducing Fatigue

Vegan Omega 3 helps to reduce fatigue. Another essential fatty acid that you should consume is DHA. This specific type of omega 3 is found in fish, but it’s also made from algae and even plants! The vegan type comes from chlorella which is a form of green microalgae. If fatigue or tiredness is an issue for you then taking it as a supplement is a smart move.