Six Pack Abs: How to Successfully Get Them Step By Step

Have you ever wondered how to get six-pack abs? Well, have no fear. We’ve got you covered! Aside from genetics, the key to a great set of abs is diet and exercise. Follow these steps below and you’ll be on your way to getting that body that will make heads turn.

Step One: Start with a workout routine

Man Performing High Knees

This is the foundation of your six-pack abs and without it, you’re going to be struggling. For beginners, you can start with a full bodyweight workout routine and gradually build up strength as well as stability to start lifting heavyweights in the gym. Train large muscles and perform compound movements frequently to burn a good amount of calories.

Step Two: Get serious about dieting

Egg Salad

Abs are made in the kitchen, not in the gym. You’re going to need a calorie deficit of 500-750 calories per day and a healthy mix of protein, carbs and fat. Consume high-quality whole foods that provide healthy nutrients along with antioxidants and vitamins which has a vitalising effect on the body.

Step Three: Keep track of your progress

Measuring tape

This is the key component that will help you see how much work you’ve put in and whether or not it’s time for an adjustment in either routine or diet. Fine-tuning your action plan for abs from time to time can do wonders for your results. Keep yourself credible and aim for consistency without worrying too much about the results.

Step Four: Get enough sleep every night

Man sleeping

Make sure you get 7-8 hours of quality sleep without any distractions . This is important because it will help you recover and heal from all the hard work in the gym as well as give you an energy boost to keep going when things get tough. You’ll also find that taking care of yourself physically makes taking care of your body in other ways easier.

Step Five: Have a meal plan and the right mindset to follow it

Woman Planning

There’s no need for six-pack abs if you’re not healthy enough to maintain them! eat clean, stay within your calorie range, and build muscle as well as tone instead of just losing weight. You’ll feel better about yourself and be more disciplined with your diet. Instead of having a short term mindset that’s based around deprivation, aim to create a healthy and sustainable lifestyle that will help you in long term.