Collagen is a structural protein that is found in our skin, nails, hair, joints, and bones. Its found in almost every structure of our body but it plays a huge role in several processes. There are several types but our body mainly consists of these three: type 1, 2, and 3.
Consume collagen-rich foods like chicken broth, seafood, eggs, soy, leafy vegetables, nuts, seeds, citric fruits, and if you can’t get enough of these foods in your diet, then you should think of purchasing a supplement.
Here are 5 Reasons Why Your Body Needs Collagen:
Skin Support

Collagen is a vital component of the skin. It plays an important role in maintaining hydration levels, elasticity, and the texture of the skin. It also provides a structure to the skin cells, which helps to maintain the skin quality. As one grows older, the body starts producing lesser amounts of collagen which is visible in the form of wrinkles, loose skin, and an overall decline in skin quality. Fight off these issues by increasing your intake.
Increase Hair Quality

It is also critical for hair growth. With an increase in age and stressors like poor lifestyle, ailments, smoking, alcohol, lack of nutrition, the integrity of hair follicles seems to get weak on top of that the body starts producing lesser amounts of collagen. Hence, it makes sense to increase your intake by consuming collagen-rich foods like broth, flax seeds, fishes, leafy greens, and nuts.
Joint Support

Collagen helps decreasing joint pain and promote mobility. It is crucial for the integrity of cartilages and joints which are vital for the movement and longevity of the body. Consuming an adequate amount of collagen regularly will help you deal with issues related to the joints and help you remain active for a long time.
Boost Muscle Mass

Collagen is a helpful tool for the gym. How so? A scientific study concluded that men who took collagen saw a positive effect on their muscle mass as compared to those who did not take anything. It consists of an amino acid also found in creatine: glycine. With a positive effect on the muscles, joints, and bones, missing out on collagen seems like a no-brainer!
Repairing The Gut

A vital aspect of healing and repairing your intestinal lining is collagen synthesis. If there is damage, new cells are made. Our body produces higher amounts of collagen when new muscle cells are generated, suggesting that it is important for repairing the damage. Consume foods like broth to heal your gut from within and ensure that your body is able to absorb all the nutrients it requires.