Bodybuilders will tell you that vascularity is a sign of muscle fullness. Vascularity, or having veins protruding from your skin, can make the difference between being “ripped” and “shredded.” Vascularity is usually an indication that you are in a state of hypertrophy (your muscles are growing). There are many ways to increase your body’s natural production of erythropoietin (EPO), which stimulates red blood cell production.
5 Ways For Naturally Increasing Vascularity:
Vary Your Repetition Speed:

Varying the pace of repetitions (i.e., tempo) is a great way to increase EPO and make muscles appear fuller. For example, performing all fast reps for one set or training session before switching over to low repetitions on another day will do just that!
Get Your Nutrition in Check:

Vascularity is not just about what you do in the gym, but also how your nutrition stacks up. You can’t get vascular if you have excessive body fat on which can only be removed via a caloric deficit. Make sure to eat plenty of protein and stay hydrated throughout the day with fluids such as water, coffee (black), green tea, or coconut water. Consuming L-arginine supplements have shown to increase vascularity and improve mid-workout pump that will leave you looking “shredded”.
Manage Your Sodium Levels:

The varying salt level can help increase vascularity naturally. Sodium is an electrolyte that helps regulate fluid balance in the body and without it, we may experience muscle cramps and dehydration among other things including reduced pump during workouts! In order to check for this mineral, there are several ways including talking with a professional about personal dietary intake or checking serum levels via certain medical machines at pharmacies around town.
Eat Foods High in Iron and Nitric Oxide:

Varying Iron levels can help increase vascularity naturally. It’s important because our bodies need haemoglobin – which carries oxygen from place to place inside us so vital organs like muscles stay well supplied with more blood cells carrying more oxygen. Try adding spinach & oysters as some powerful iron agents that will help you achieve that ripped look. Adding Nitrate Rich foods like beetroot helps to increase vascularity as they are linked to greater blood flow in the body.

Cardiovascular exercise can help you get that Vactreness naturally because it exercises the heart which then pumps more oxygenated blood around the body through arteries & veins. So if you’re looking for a way to increase vascularity without any of those risky steroids or injections – cardio is just about as easy as it gets!
Get Enough Sleep:

Lack of sleep can cause us to feel lethargic and tired all day long but not only does lack of sleep lower Vascularity levels but also when we don’t catch enough shut-eye our bodies are less likely to perform at an optimal level.