With vaccination drive on full-fledged across the nation, the fight against the COVID-19 virus has progressed. There has been a huge influx of patients and mishappenings in the second wave but we, the people of this planet have stood in solidarity against this pesky virus. With Government allowing 18+ vaccination in several hospitals around the country, make sure you book yours as soon as possible.
Did you get a shot? Here are few tips that can help you post vaccination:

Few days after vaccination is going to be difficult on your mind as well as your body. Make sure you meditate at least once a day to keep yourself and your thoughts calm, collected, and aligned. Meditation helps to stabilize the mind and experience whatever your body is going through without any anxiety or bias.
Eat Well

Your body needs nutrients and minerals more than ever. Eat good amounts of whole foods, leafy greens, meats, and fruits. There is a lack of evidence against the efficacy of the vaccine dropping due to meat consumption. Avoid eating spicy, oily, or sugar-laden foods for a while. Though we would suggest you strictly follow a professional’s instructions, if given.
Take Proper Rest

Don’t use the post-vaccination slump to binge-watch Netflix all day. We would suggest indulging in a movie or two but you’d be better off using this time for reading, meditating, spending time with loved ones, or sleeping peacefully.
Ditch The Smoke and Alcohol

Though there’s no scientific evidence available right now, you’d be better off ditching those nasty cigarettes and enticing alcohol. Smoking causes a lot of issues in the body like inflammation, throat burn, and many more which can aggravate the post-vaccination symptoms while alcohol also increases inflammation in the body which is totally unnecessary right now. Prioritize your well-being so you can party hard when it counts!
Put Down The Bar

Yes, we know this is a bummer but it’s highly advised to not work out for a week after vaccination. Give your body a well-deserved break, it’s been working overclock. Take this time to increase your knowledge of fitness, nutrition, mobility, and food science.
WRITERS NOTE: This is an educational blog that is written so that you can use this knowledge to improve your health and in no way is a substitute for professional consultation for COVID-19. If you are suffering from continuous uneasiness and symptoms post-vaccination, refer to a professional doctor as soon as possible.