Skip Your Way to Great Health!

Skipping is a great way to get in shape and stay healthy. It has been around since ancient times, and it’s still one of the most popular forms of exercise today. However, with so many different options on skipping ropes available on the market, choosing which ones are best for you can be challenging! In this article, we will give you some tips for picking out your perfect skipping rope and the benefits of skipping!

How To Choose The Best Skipping Rope For You:

Skipping Ropes
  • Choose a skipping rope that is comfortable for you. You want to feel like it’s easy enough to do but not too light and flimsy so that the movements are sloppy. The best way to test this out is by seeing how your preferred ropes feel when you swing them around; if they seem bouncy or heavy, then chances are they are not the right ones for you
  • Grip handles and ropes come in many different shapes, sizes and styles. For beginners, I recommend getting a rope with handles for more control; this will also help if you have weaker arms
  • Think about the space that you’ll be using to skip too! If your room is small or crowded, then it’s best to go with a shorter rope – make sure it’s light enough to handle the intensity of your workouts.

Benefits Of Skipping Regularly:

Superior Fat Burn

Woman skipping

30 minutes of skipping burns about 200-300 calories. According to research, skipping at a moderate pace roughly equals running an eight-minute mile. Plus, it burns more calories per minute and engages more muscles than swimming or rowing while still qualifying as a low-impact workout. In addition, it doesn’t impact the joints on your feet, knees, or hips as much as running does, making it a great option for recovering from injuries.

Clear Skin

Man with clear skin

Skipping regularly will keep stress levels down and positively affect hormones since skipping helps regulate them. When you are stressed out, this causes more cortisol to release, blocking testosterone from getting into your cells. This leads to a lot of acne and other skin issues.

Hormonal Balance

Woman looking at mirror happily

Skipping is a great way to regulate hormones because it will decrease the amount of cortisol that releases, which increases testosterone levels, leaving you with more confidence! Added cardiovascular exercise will help you manage your weight ultimately leading to optimal hormone production.

Boosts Mental Health

Happy girls skipping

It is an excellent way to relieve stress and anxiety. In addition, it has been proven that regular skipping can reduce symptoms associated with depression by up to 50%. Sweating out after a long day or a woeful day can do wonders for your mood.