Female Model

5 Myths About Women’s Fitness That Are Totally Absurd

In today’s world of the internet, knowledge is available in abundance, and its on one’s ability to absorb it like a sponge but what happens when you take in wrong knowledge? You tend to confuse yourself and deteriorate your progress. If that’s not enough sensationalist diets and fitness trends keep on evolving in one form or another which causes greater confusion.

There are several fitness myths that you must’ve heard from various sources but don’t fret, we are here to sort them out!

You Don’t Need A High Protein Diet

Bananas, Whey, Shaker and Dumbbells'

Protein is the key; We cannot emphasize this enough. Our traditional diet is filled with foods that are high in carbs and fats which naturally leads to lower protein consumption as compared to the West. Protein is required by the body for muscle gain, fat loss, absorption of nutrients, immunity, and several metabolic functions in the body. There is a misconception that consuming high protein will make you as swole as The Great Khali. Wouldn’t life be simpler then?

Carbs Are the Devil

Various legumes

Carbohydrates are infamous worldwide, they have been demonized by trainers and celebs all around the globe.The truth is carbs are one of the fundamental food groups and this nutrient is required by the body to perform at an optimal level. Cutting out on carbs will only result in mood swings and disordered cravings. Consume some high-quality complex carbs like oats, ragi, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables to fuel your body with the essential nutrients required for fitness.

Lifting Weights Makes You Bulky

Woman performing a wide squat with kettlebell

This is the most famous yet one of the most mind-boggling myths out there. The majority of the women are still pondering whether they should jump the fence. We would like to assure you that this myth is just a myth, weight training does not make you look like a bodybuilder. It takes years of training and nutrition to look like a bodybuilder, lifting a set of dumbells won’t suffice to make you look like one. Weight training has several benefits like increasing muscle size, burning fat, and enhances your mood by releasing endorphins. If anything, weight training should be the key element in your fitness routine!

Spot Reduction Is Possible

Woman with a measuring tape around her head

Everyone’s guilty of trying to lose the stubborn belly, thighs, or back fat but the truth is our body does not function that way. Everyone has different places where the fat accumulation is high based on genetics but losing it is quite simple. Our body loses fat from everywhere without discrimination. Maintaining a caloric deficit is a surefire way to lose some kilos.

Weight Training Will Make You Stiff

Woman performing Stiff legged deadlifts

When you perform all exercises through their full range of motion, flexibility and strength will increase. Exercises like stiff-legged deadlifts, flys, dumbbell chest presses, and chin-ups stretch the muscles in the bottom range of the movement. Therefore, by performing these exercises correctly, your stretching and fitness capabilities will increase.